                      AutoSoft Systems
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Commercial & custom multi-user computer software for a variety of applications including performance metrics, statistical analysis, data extraction and merger from multiple large databases, computer simulation and management information systems.  Founded in 1982.
We know Excel! Whenever possible, Excel is the user interface, VBA is the programming language, ODBC connects to the database of your choice.
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The TimeTool is designed to operate as a stand alone program or in tandem with the EPD (Engineering Project Database).  The concept is simple.  Provide all employees in a workgroup the ability to report on the allocation of their time on a weekly or monthly basis.  The software automatically recognizes the user from the Windows network login, and presents the user with a summary screen of their recent activities.
Click here to jump to the EPD web page
The master copy of the TimeTool is an XLT file (Template).  When a user double clicks on it, or accesses it through a shortcut on their desktop, a copy of the XLT is opened for the user.  The user is recognized by his login and his data is automatically presented to him(or her).  
Key Features:
  TimeTool subscribes to the standard AutoSoft color protocols.  A yellow cell with a red font is designated for user input.
  True Multi-user; many users can simultaneously enter data.
  Optional explanatory comments for each entry.
  Vanilla Microsoft Excel/VBA platform, no other licensing or third party software.
  Multiple levels of security.  Individuals can see only their input.  Supervisors can see their work group. Managers can see their Supervisors and multiple work groups.
  Different group of people can be assigned different task lists.  Up to 30 different tasks can be listed.
  Automatic backups and archiving of data.
  Integrated Help.
  If integrated with the EPD, estimates and actual times are presented side by side.
  Source code is included and accessible, allowing for easy site customization.
Task Definition screen with Integrated Help:
User Editing Screen with integrated Help:
Report Options:
Staff Summary Report with color coded metrics