                      AutoSoft Systems
        AutoSoft Systems 2 Round Hill Court
        East Greenwich, RI 02818
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Commercial & custom multi-user computer software for a variety of applications including performance metrics, statistical analysis, data extraction and merger from multiple large databases, computer simulation and management information systems.  Founded in 1982.
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MaximoŽ Metrics Reporting
MaximoŽ is a trademark of IBM
TrackwiseŽ is a trademark of Sparta Systems
AutoSoft is not affiliated with neither Sparta Systems nor IBM.
"What gets measured gets managed."

Dashboards are key to being able to track performance of an operation.  This process can become extremely granular.  AutoSoft Systems has prepared a customized dashboard for a major pharmecutial manufacturer that measures a myriad of metrics across the entire corporate.  Some of the metrics measured by AutoSoft Systems include:
Aging  PM report for all PMs Measures the number of  PMs that are open past the target date
Aging PMs for LEVEL 1 Work Orders ONLY
Aging PMs for Work Orders of ALL LEVELS
Calibration Metrics measures the percent of the all calibraion problem codes.  The numerator is the number of calibrations performed during the month.  The denominator is the average of all caibrations performed in the past 3 months
Cancelled PM Rate - This metric calculates the percentage of PMs cancelled within the quarter
Late CM Report metric measures the Median Cycle from Request to close and the percent of all CM work orders that are more than 1 day past the target completion date
Late CM Report metric measures the Median Cycle from Request to close and the percent of all CM work orders that are more than 1 day past the target completion date for Work Orders of ALL LEVELS
MCP Calibration Metrics Measures the percent of the all calibration problem codes.  The numerator is the number of calibrations performed during the month.  The denominator is the average of all calibrations performed in the past 3 months.
Parts Usage measures the percent of Parts that are issued against work orders and are not used. The metic looks at the percent of parts that are returned against completed and canceled work orders.  It also calculates the percent and cost of parts that are identified as missing and broken
Plan vs Actual Labor Hours Measure the difference between Estimated and Actual Labor hour on work orders.  The metric compares the hour for global and site Job plans as well as work orders with no job plan but estimated hours
PM Completion looks at the percent of PMs that were completed before their target date.
PM Compliance for LEVEL 1 Work Orders ONLY - This metric measures PM Compliance.  It looks a PM completion and if a PM is past due does it have an approved Extension
PM Compliance for Work Orders of ALL LEVELS - This metric measures PM Compliance.  It looks a PM completion and if a PM is past due does it have an approved Extension
Right First Time counts CM work orders that are generated within 15 days of the completion of a PM for the same location or asset and is not a follow-up work order
Total Machinery NCs Initiated
Urgent request Measures the count of work orders that are started within 15 days of request.
Work Load Profile and Backlog measures the labor hours completed during the quarter by direct staff and the estimated hours on work orders that are in the system wih a target date not beyond the current quarter
Here is just one simple illustration of a dashboard.  These dashboards can be a simple or as complex as the business requires.                        
The detailed records behind the metrics are included on another worksheet in the workbook report.
AutoSoft Systems | 2 Round Hill Court, East Greenwich, Rhode Island, USA 02818 | 401.885.3631 | Fax: 401.884.5653 | Mobile: 401.996.3631 
This web page was last updated at 02/21/2014 07:51 AM and is written in EXCEL!
AXIOM is a Trademark of Consona - USYS is a Trademark of Zumbach - AutoSoft Systems is not affiliated with Consona nor Zumbach